What are the Signs of a Speech Impediment?
The development of language is complex and is unique from country to country and child to child. There is a range of what is acceptable for a child, which are called speech developmental milestones.
Sounds that have m, p, b usually occur early by ages 1-2. By age 1 they should start saying their first words. Later on, by ages 2-3, they start developing other sounds such as k, g, f, t, d. This progresses to more complex sounds such as s, sh, ch, j, ng, th.
By age 8 they are supposed to have all sounds.
Children can alter sounds by:
Omissions/Deletions: sounds are omitted or deleted eg poon for spoon
Substitution: sounds are substituted eg saying ‘thing’ for ‘sing’
Additions: extra sounds are added
Contraction: Sounds are fused together
Distortion: sounds are altered or changed
Children may develop emotional and behavioral symptoms such as:
Frustration, depression, anxiety
Acting out: aggression, misbehaving, unusual behavior